Monday, July 28, 2014

16th and 17th entries

Yup, now that I'm 40 I have so much more wisdom to impart on my teenage self.

     16th entry  10-28-88
     Mom and Baba came home last night. They gave me a whole bunch of stuff. It was really cool. (that is all you have to say?! At  least describe the cool stuff and give me more to make fun of for god's sake!)

That is apparently all I had to say that day. Teenagers are so annoying!

     17th entry  11-1-88

     Well last night was Halloween. It was pretty dull. I just sat around. I get all the junk left over. So I don't mind. S and I broke up (finally! Wait, are you sure? Is he going to just pop back up in two days? Please let this be the end. I'm sick of myself at this point) but we are still good friends. I miss Scott. (of course you do, what would you do all day if you didn't spend time obsessing over a boy?) I haven't spoken to him in ages. He's such a great friend. He always helps me when I'm upset so I try to do the same.
     (this next part is so embarrassing that I almost omitted it but there wouldn't be any fun in this if I wasn't truly embarrassed. The worst part is I don't even know why it feels so embarrassing) I found a new creek by my house. It's the same one as the creek by Burns. (we had lived in a house that backed to a creek and I remember spending hours and hours down there by myself. It was pretty cool because the people who owned the house before us had lived there for like 50 years and used to throw their junk in the creek so I was always finding cool shit like old bottles. There was even the frame of an old roadster down there. Anyway..) It's my creek. It's really pretty there. I don't think I'd ever take anyone I know there. (because it isn't public property or anything, yes you own the entire creek) I can only think of 1 or 2 people (so that would be someone, wouldn't it?) who would really appreciate its beauty. Brian Zimmerman (what is my obsession with this poor guy?), Arjang, and maybe Dan Rawlinson (sorry to Dan but I can't even imagine why I added him to the list and not one of my closest friends or cousins like Neda or Iris) But only Arjang could ever go there. I doubt Brian or Dan would ever go anywhere with me. (probably because you are a fucking crazy teenager and they are hoping they don't end up in your blog one day)

So I wonder who the hell will be at the center of my w

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