Sunday, December 12, 2010

And now..

So, I'm finally going to have my moment with the whole Steve Jobs thing.
     First of all, clearly we are all in trouble. Why am I the only one concerned about the fact that it is obvious that this maniac is taking over the world? He is on some sort of vengeance driven pact he has made with himself (being the devil) against Microsoft and in the process is attempting to turn us all into ihumans. It astounds me that people actually purchase the iphone (which apparently does not allow one to complete any phone calls made). Worse yet, people then buy the ipad which is basically an iphone that also does not make phone calls. So, you are trying to sell me something that does almost as much stuff as something else you have tried to sell me but you want me to pay more for it? Again, why am I the only one concerned?
     Secondly, I can't trust any person wearing a mock turtleneck. Sorry, but no. Turtlenecks are already kinda creepy in the fact that they are incredibly uncomfortable and binding but the whole lack of fashion really puts them over the edge. To wear something that mocks something that shouldn't exist in the first place makes me wonder what you are hiding about yourself. If you must hide that second head you have growing out of your neck, at least have the decency to go all the way and wear the damned turtleneck. If you are truly human, then buy a fucking v-neck. You can afford it you know, you own over 60% of the planet already.
     I hope that when he succeeds in making you all completely dependant on his products and then pulls the plug, instead of giving into his demands to turn the skin of Bill Gates into a rug, you will all begin to worship me. I'm just sayin is all...


  1. Love it! I'm with you on the iphone and the ipad, but I must confess I love itunes and my ipod so so much.

  2. OK,so Saaara needs to take back her comment. Just ask her about 'fruit ninja' on the iphone. Mim, I'm convinced you'll fall in love with it too. I'm gonna prove it. Totally agree on the turtle neck. It's just embarrassing.
